
Our Vision

At tomi, we aspire to redefine the internet, fostering an environment where freedom of speech, expression, accessibility, and democracy are paramount. We envision the internet as a global public square where individuals can freely and openly express themselves, share ideas, and engage in uncensored, unbiased discussions.

Our Mission

At tomi, we aspire to redefine the internet, fostering an environment where freedom of speech, expression, accessibility, and democracy are paramount. We envision the internet as a global public square where individuals can freely and openly express themselves, share ideas, and engage in uncensored, unbiased discussions.

The Need for Change

Throughout history, information and communication have fueled human progress and sparked cultural revolutions. The rise of the internet has unleashed an endless array of opportunities for global connections, innovation, and data sharing, propelling humanity into a new era of digital empowerment. However, as the internet gained more power and influence, it became increasingly subject to manipulation and control by dominant players—governments, corporations, and individuals with vested interests—seeking to reshape the digital world to serve their own agendas. This has transformed the internet into a tool for surveillance, censorship, and exclusion, rather than a platform for freedom and equality.

Our Belief

  • Internet as a Right: We believe that internet access should be a basic right, not a privilege. It must serve the public good, not just private interests. It should be a platform for freedom and equality, not mass control
  • Building a Better Internet: For this reason, we are building an alternative internet infrastructure—decentralized, transparent, resistant to manipulation, and controlled by the community. By using well-proven tech like peer-to-peer networks, end-to-end encryption, and decentralized systems, we’re building a network that really puts power back in the hands of users and keeps their digital rights safe.

Governance and Community

At the heart of this infrastructure is tomi’s governance module, the DAO, that gives each user a voice, enabling them and the community to make collective decisions through voting and active participation in shaping both the network and the community. Every individual has the power to influence the platform’s future. Through decentralized voting mechanisms and transparent decision-making processes, we ensure that tomi will forever remain true to its principles and the community it serves.

A Movement for Digital Freedom

tomi is more than just a technological platform; it represents a movement of individuals determined to pursue a future of digital freedom that is fairer and more inclusive. Through education, policy advocacy, and community building, we are committed to raising awareness and driving change around the critical issues of digital rights and the digital lives of our users.

The Road Ahead

The road ahead will not be easy. Changing the paradigm is a process that requires time and effort, but when we look to the future, we envision an internet that truly fulfills its promise as an accelerator of human liberation and social progress. We aim for an internet where freedom of expression thrives, privacy is the default, and every individual has the tools and capabilities to be a more active and empowered digital citizen.


Core Values

Our core values ignite our mission:

  • Freedom of Expression and Empowerment: We uphold freedom of expression as a fundamental human right, crucial in both digital and physical realms. tomi is committed to fostering a platform where users can freely express their thoughts without fear of censorship, silencing, or sanctions.
  • Collaboration-Driven Innovation: Our vision for a free, open, and democratic internet can only be realized through extensive interdisciplinary collaboration. tomi is more than just a platform; it is a community of entrepreneurs, tech activists, and engaged users collectively striving for transformative change.

Goals and Action Items

  1. Improve a Censorship-Resistant Infrastructure: Constructing a peer-to-peer network infrastructure, utilizing advanced technologies such as end-to-end encryption, digital signatures, and decentralized cloud storage
  2. Build Accessible, User-Friendly Tools: Developing tools that make these technologies more accessible and convenient for public use through community tenders funded by the DAO
  3. Strengthen a Decentralized Governance System Led by the Community: Forming a decentralized governance system where the community takes the lead, ensuring every user has a voice
  4. Fostering Collaborations with Strategic Partners: Forming partnerships and sharing efforts with a wide array of players within the ecosystem and beyond to boost awareness, public acceptance, and advocacy for a decentralized democratic internet
  5. Upholding Our Core Values as a Standard: Commitment to transparency, diversity, inclusiveness, empowerment, and environmental responsibility

Commitment to Change

Building an alternative democratic internet is a marathon, not a sprint. This long-term mission demands uncompromised commitment, persistence, and determination. True change does not happen overnight—it builds gradually through shifts in perception, strong infrastructure development, and the nurturing of a community passionate and committed to our vision.



We are confident in the strength of our community and fully committed to our journey. With this commitment, we can drive this change. Together, we have the opportunity to redefine the rules of the digital world and build an internet that truly serves everyone. This is our moment to turn vision into reality.

Join us in steering the ship back home, creating a new, democratic, and free internet—together.

Thank you for joining us on this path.

The tomi Team